Sunday, November 26, 2017

Chime in: What's the first thing you'd do if you were in charge of Microsoft?

The Windows Central community is often vocal about suggestions for what Microsoft should (and should not) do next, in relation to the company's products and strategy. So we created a new forum, dubbed the "Armchair CEO" forum, designed to solicit those exact types of suggestions.

Whether it's Microsoft mobile strategy (or lack of one), Windows on ARM devices, the Windows 10 software update cycle, or Xbox first-party titles, there's no shortage of controversy surrounding the Redmond-based tech behemoth.

There's also no shortage of critics on the web more than willing to play Microsoft's armchair CEO, at least from afar and sometimes behind the cloak of anonymity. (Not sure exactly what an armchair CEO is? has an amusing definition.)

In the interest of uniting like-minded armchair leaders, and hopefully coming up with some good ideas, our fearless forums boss James Falconer put together a forum specifically for the purpose of collecting related thoughts, suggestions, and ideas for what Microsoft should do next — and maybe what it should have done already.

from Windows Central - News, Forums, Reviews, Help for Windows Phone

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