Monday, December 31, 2018

The winners of Mobile Nations' 2018 Community Awards

Kicking off a new year is always a great time to reflect on the previous year. While on the blogs we tend to look at the best devices, the greatest apps, and things of that nature, there is another section of our sites that deserves attention and appreciation as well: the forums and the volunteers and members that make our communities so amazing.

We take great pride in our community and know that without the people who invest their time voluntarily helping out, answering questions, welcoming newcomers, and generally keeping our sites clear of spammers and junk posts, we wouldn't be the site we are today. With that in mind, we'd like to take the time to show some love and highlight folks who go above and beyond daily to make sure our communities remain awesome for everyone!

We opened up the table for suggestions from our volunteer team for outstanding community members, and the nominations poured in! So without further ado, here are some volunteers and community members that have stood out over the last year!


Best New Member - Crusader03

Biggest BlackBerry Fan - bb10adopter111

Most helpful member - Conite

CrackBerry volunteer team MVP - ECM

Top Poster in the CrackBerry forums - Conite

Android Central

Best New Member - Kodak2

Biggest Android Fan - Mustang7757

Most helpful member - B. Diddy

Android Central volunteer team MVP - Javier P

Top Poster in the Android Central forums - B. Diddy

from Windows Central - News, Forums, Reviews, Help for Windows 10 and all things Microsoft.

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