Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Clean that winter salt off your lenses with this $13 Philips headlight restoration kit

It's always safer to have clean headlights.

The Philips Headlight Restoration Kit with UV protection is only $13.39 on Amazon. That's the lowest price we've seen in almost a year for a product that normally sells for around $20 or more.

In four simple steps you can clean the front of your headlights from all the dust, haze and yellowing that has been building up on them. Great for getting rid of that salt build up from the winter roads. It requires no tools than what's included in the box and you'll definitely see a noticeable improvement in how bright your lights are. This treatment also provides two years of UV protection for your lenses, and you can use it on your taillights or turn signal lights as well. Users give it 4.1 stars based on 73 reviews.

See on Amazon

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