Friday, August 26, 2016

Best office chairs for home and work

What is the most comfortable office chair?

Sitting: it feels great after a long time on your feet, but not so great if you have to do it all day. Those of you who spend most of their time at a desk know exactly what I mean.

Choosing an office chair is very important; you're going to be spending a substantial amount of time sitting in one, so you want to make sure you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.

Not sure which chair is best for you? We round up some of the best chairs money can buy that the people who manage and run our sites use every day.

Herman Miller Aeron

The Aeron by Herman Miller should be viewed more as a work of art than a piece of furniture; designer Bill Stumpf started from scratch, creating a chair that has the same curves as the human body. The result? A chair that has no straight lines, and is as comfortable as office chairs get. It even secured a spot in the Museum of Modern Art before the first unit was sold.

from Windows Central - News, Forums, Reviews, Help for Windows Phone

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